Code of Conduct

The College is a nurturing learning community which respects the right of each individual student to have a safe, enjoyable and successful learning experience.

Code of Conduct

The College is a nurturing learning community which respects the right of each individual student to have a safe, enjoyable and successful learning experience.

The College will support all students to grow as curious, caring and responsible individuals.

As members of the college community, all students are asked to abide by its code of conduct which is outlined below:

  • Students are expected to respond to other students, members of the College community, college visitors and members of the local community with respect and behave at all times in an appropriate and courteous manner
  • To not transmit any communications or images (via phones, IT or other means) which may cause distress or offence to others
  • Sexual violence and sexual harassment is not acceptable and will never be tolerated
  • When using social media: behave in a caring and responsible way, respecting the privacy and the feelings of others at all times
  • Dress in a manner which is appropriate for a working environment
  • To not wear caps, hats or hoods up inside the College
  • To set mobile phones to silent in lessons, tutorial periods, the library and in departmental teaching and resource areas
  • Smoking (including e-cigarettes) is not permitted anywhere on the College site
  • To not engage in any behaviour that may be deemed racist
  • To not engage in any form of harassment or engage in any behaviour that may cause offence based upon gender, race, sexual orientation, age, health, appearance, background, personal or political beliefs or religion or any protected characteristic
  • To welcome the diversity of cultures, backgrounds, faiths and beliefs within our community
  • To respect the different designated uses of the spaces within the College at all times to ensure the best experience for all
  • To not move furniture or equipment from its position within the College
  • To move around the College in line with College signage and with minimum disruption to others
  • To not take food or drink (other than bottled water) into lessons or other timetabled activities
  • To respect the College environment at all times. This includes placing litter in appropriate rubbish bins and sitting appropriately on chairs and benches
  • To visibly wear their college lanyard with their student ID card at all times on the College site
  • When working in study zones or any areas of the college, to be caring of their peers learning and work quietly and not engage in any activity which could be distracting or interrupt the learning of others
  • To not invite visitors onto the College premises
  • To leave the College site once the College day has ended, unless participating in a supervised College session
  • To not enter the College site or participate in College activities under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • To not be in possession of any illegal substances, alcohol or weapons
  • To participate actively and to the best of their ability in lessons and in the general life of the College
  • To attend punctually all required activities including co-curriculum and supported independent learning sessions
  • To complete assignments to the best of their ability and ensure that homework is submitted as requested, either online or in person, by the stated deadlines
  • To not cause a distraction to others or disrupt the teaching and learning taking place
  • To not use a mobile phone in class unless directed by the teacher
  • To be available for College activities during the core College day
  • Personal appointments should be made outside these times, as should any paid work
  • To take any personal and family holidays outside College term times
  • To only send emails to multiple recipients if you have the permission of a member of staff whose initials should appear on the email
  • To only use language in written and verbal communications that is polite and respectful at all times, this includes all college digital platforms, including emails and Teams messages
  • To behave at all times in ways which will reflect creditably upon the College
  • Instances of misconduct off the college site either on a College activity or elsewhere, which bring discredit upon the college may be treated as if they had taken place on College premises; this also applies to behaviour on social media.
  • To be respectful of the local community at all times with particular regard to behaviour in and around the open spaces within the immediate neighbourhood
  • To seek permission from the Principal before making use of the College logo or any other college publicity material
  • To seek the Principal’s approval before broadcasting or publishing information about the college or members of the College community
  • To be mindful of the latest Covid-19 guidelines and ensure that you comply with these at all times, either on or off the College site
  • Behaviour for Learning
  • Health and Safety
  • Acceptable use of Computers Agreement
  • Student Disciplinary Policy

Any student who struggles to comply with the behaviour expectations of the college will be supported by their teachers and mentors to reflect and develop however ultimately the College may invoke the Colleges Disciplinary Policy to ensure a safe and caring learning environment for all.